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"Peter and the Wolf" Makes Symphonic Overtures at Covey

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The classic orchestral tale of boy versus wolf is coming to the Covey Center for the Arts for one night only.

The Utah Symphony brings “Peter and the Wolf Live!” to Provo on Friday night in a multimedia concert featuring the symphony and a live screening of the 2006 Oscar-winning animated short film of the tale.

Symphonic Opening Gala At Los Angeles Airport

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Los Angeles Mayor Antonio R. Villaraigosa was joined today by airport officials, business leaders, local celebrity chefs, and media from around the world to launch a series of unique events designed to showcase Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) and create global excitement for the New Tom Bradley International Terminal (TBIT) at Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) at's this item about? What makes it interesting? Write a catchy description to grab your audience's attention...

Overture Magazine

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70 Piece Hollywood Scoring Orchestra Plays Once-in-a Lifetime gig at new LAX Tom Bradley International Terminal. 

Video Games Live: Bonus Round! at Wolf Trap

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The National Symphony Orchestra was stellar, conducted with elegance and mirth by Emmanuel Fratianni. 

OttoPagine Newspaper - Italy

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Premiato il Celebre Compositore Fratianni 

Billboard Top 10 Classical/Crossover Introducing Thousands to the Concert Hall

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A video game score performed by a major orchestra in a concert hall? How about a video game score sitting at #8 – with a "bullet" – on the Billboard Classical/Crossover Top Ten? Not likely, you'd say – but you'd be wrong.

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